Organic Zaffran Honey With Garlic

Organic Zaffran Honey With Garlic

$20.00 $25.00

Organic Zaffran Honey With Garlic is a unique concoction that is made from pure black seed and Zaffran honey. This honey has a unique and beneficial combination of herbs and garlic that can help to reduce inflammation and improve overall health. Try this special honey for a sweet and savory flavor!

Organic Manuka Honey comes loaded with antioxidants that help reduce free radicals production within your cells!

This combination is the most effective nutritional supplement in the world due to its wonderful and amazing properties. This combination has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal herb, increasing the speed of the wound-healing process.

Suggested use as an adult dietary supplement. Take two teaspoons daily or as directed by a physician. Can be mixed in hot or cold beverages.

Serving size 2 teaspoons. Servings per container 25

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to prescribe or diagnose or make claims for medical advice, directly or indirectly. If you have a need medical assistance, please contact your local physician or medical practitioner. The manufacturer is responsible for all claims regarding this product.